July 29, 2019

Multimedia Player 2.0 release.
Today marks the day with a new release for Multimedia Player. It has been 4 years since last update. The main reason why it took so long is that we wanted to release a stable version with video support. It took a while to get it right & during this time we took...
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February 23, 2019

Here's what we've been cooking for the last few weeks:
(Added) Spectrogram visualization.
(Updated) Playlist Search searches automatically through artist, title & filename in this order + redesign.
No more ridiculous searches. Ex: Before, to search for an artist named Floex, you had to...
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February 6, 2019

I know there has not been a lot of updates on Multimedia Player since forever but it is mainly due to the fact that we've been working really hard on adding video support & improving the player overall.
Here's what to be expected in the upcoming version 2.0 (list is subject to...
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April 3, 2018

Corrected the visibility, lisibility and clearness of the game & menus.
Enhanced the controllers remapping menu.
Enhanced the victory/results menu.
Added cliquable buttons + labels throughout the menu.
Added the interaction with the mouse everywhere in the menus.
Worked on the game...
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March 5, 2018

Updated the level selection menu.
The levels have evolved since the time we originally chose the level's themes.
We had to redo some of the logos & some of the backgrounds (removed some placeholders).
Here's the result (except the background of the lava cave):
Here's the new background...
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January 18, 2018

Menu fine-tuning
Fine tuned shaders + menus appearance. Refactored some code in the menu engine.
Added statistics to the character selection menu.
Added blurred menu window + dropshadow
Added a "breathing" effect to menu & slider selectors.
Added grid glow + star & cloud field...
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November 11, 2017

Parallax backgrounds
Industrial level parallax background.
Jungle level parallax background
We finally fine-tuned to our liking and reworked the main menu shader. We also added a rgb channel shift happening randomly from time to time.
Here's a dither...
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June 17, 2016
1 - Creating the certificate
First, make sure you have "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows and .NET Framework 4" kit installed first. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8279
I created a bat file to automate the process of creating a self-signed certificate.
Make sure to...
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June 15, 2016
(Added) possibility to read videos & DVD.
(Added) possibility to show/hide subtitles.
(Added) Windows UAC manifest to give admin access to the application (necessary Windows 8 >)
Ex : Access to Window's registry
(Added) possibility to dis/enable Notifications (was frustrating on...
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