Step into the paws of a mischievous cat in this charming and addictive physics-based game. Take control of a playful feline on a mission to grow a wool ball to enormous sizes. As you explore the environment, you gather moss that clings to the wool ball, causing it to expand and become more challenging to manage. Master the art of strategic movement and precise timing as you navigate around obstacles and walls, while steering clear of hazards that threaten to shrink your wool ball.
This game has been made in 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2024. The theme was : “Built to scale“. It can be played using a keyboard or controller.
In terms of popularity, the game remained between 250-300th throughout the voting period & finished 256th. In terms of enjoyment, style & creativity (Overall criterias), I finished: 709th out of 7 644 entries in a competition of 33 000 participants. For a solo entry & having only been able to use 50% of the allotted time, I take that as a win.

Enjoy the free to play result of this game jam.
Additional notes
Shaders are disabled by default on the HTML5 release. You can enable them in the menu if you have a good graphic card.
Fullscreen is only available in the Windows release version.