I did this entry in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare #30. The theme for this game jam was: “Connected worlds”. I was not able to submit in time only because Game maker had an error while generating my executable (bug with the new feature marketplace). I had in mind to do a mobile oriented game.
How to play
Hypertonic is a game about getting the biggest.
You are controlling a “molecule” around in space and the goal is to become the biggest by absorbing other smaller molecules. However be cautious of the other bigger molecules as they can absorb you.
Let’s see if you can find the hidden 8-bit mode feature. 🙂

Enjoy this free to play result of this ludum dare.
Version : 1.0
Size : 13 Mo
Os : Windows
Additional notes
Sadly, I lacked of time to balance, finish & make an actual interesting gameplay.
Engine : Game Maker Studio Professional
Art : Photoshop CS6
Sound FX : jfxr
Music : Ableton Live 9.0 & Cool Edit Pro 2.0