Pixi is a special game. I developed it part time for the last 3 years. It is actually with this game that I ask my girlfriend to marry me september 9th 2018. It bundles everything she likes: video game & puzzles.
Lightly story driven, the first 15 levels are rogue-like top down shooter where you go through procedurally generated caves shooting different kind of monsters, using powerups & collecting points. The next 5 levels are simple turn based puzzle levels based on what I have made for the “Challenge Pixel 2017”. It all ends with an epic battle vs a boss.
At the end of the game, when you’ll have defeated the final boss, he’ll drop a wooden puzzle cube. The reason: I actually asked a japanese wood artist to handcraft a puzzle for this purpose, so that when she would end the game I would give her an actual “physical” puzzle to solve.
This cube contained the ring. 🙂